
Who are we?

  • We are Christians, endeavoring to follow the example of the Master Christian, Christ Jesus, in our daily lives. He showed that God is love, and because God loves us, we should love our neighbor as God does. He said that his followers should live lives of joy and abundant good, because God, our Creator, is wholly good. God made us in His image and likeness, as stated in the Bible in the first chapter of Genesis.
  • We are Christian Scientists, striving to apply the divine laws of God, which Mary Baker Eddy discovered in 1866 and named Christian Science, or the Science of Christ. This American woman, who loved the Bible and trusted God from early childhood, proved these same laws in healing sin and sickness as Jesus did when he healed sin and sickness and overcame death. She wrote them down in a book, which she titled Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
  • This book is the textbook of Christian Science. It, together with the King James version of the Bible, serves as the Pastor of Christian Science churches around the world. At every Christian Science Sunday service, as well as the Wednesday testimony meetings, lay readers (members of the church) read selections from these books that comprise the sermon.

On April 12, 1910, a small group of Christian Scientists recognized by The Mother Church as a Christian Science Society, met in the Congregational Church building on Fourth and Ferry Streets. As attendance grew larger quarters were needed and in January 1915 the group moved to the Young Building on Second and Broadalbin Streets. The following year the present site at 537 7th Avenue S.W. was purchased and services were held in the small house that stood on the property.

In August 1931, under the direction of The Mother Church, the name was changed to First Church of Christ, Scientist and in 1934 reverted to Christian Science Society. Dedication services were held in October 1940. On March 27, 7941, The Mother Church once more recognized this group as First Church of Christ, Scientist, Albany, Oregon. In August 2021, the group became Christian Science Society, Albany, Oregon.

In March 1950, the old house was torn down, and construction of the new edifice began. This building of modern colonial architecture, costing approximately $30,000, was completed and opening services were held in December of that year. On October 14, 1956, special services were held, and the new structure was dedicated with these words: “You will dedicate your temple in faith unfeigned, not to the unknown God, but unto Him whom to know aright is life everlasting!’ (The First Church of Christ Scientist and Miscellany, page 193, by Mary Baker Eddy).

The comer lot next to the Church property was purchased in the Autumn of 1962. In August 1965, a business meeting was held to discuss expansion and the building program went forward without interruption. The extension included a new and larger Sunday School room, a Childcare room, two additional rest rooms, and a Reading Room that could be converted to a Clerk’s office when a downtown location could be found for the Reading Room.

Services have continued at this location since that time.

The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is the foundation for the theology and practice of Christian Science. It is a Christian denomination, with the Bible and especially Jesus’ teachings at the heart of its practice. In Christian Science, God is understood as always upholding the health and well-being of His creation. The power of prayer lies not in faith alone but in a deeper understanding of God and His divine laws that embrace humanity and result in healing.

Everyone can choose for themselves and their families the kind of health care that meets their needs. By practicing Christian Science, many have lived free of drugs and other systems of physical care, and maintained good health.

From childhood on in New England, Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science in 1866, loved The Bible and what it told her about God’s love for mankind. In mid-life, she was expected by her doctors to die from a fatal injury. Instead, she read one of Jesus’ healings in The Bible, and found herself suddenly well. Pursuing the reason for this rapid recovery of health without medical attention, she studied the Scriptures, specifically the Gospels, for three years. She recorded her findings in her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, which explains Jesus’ healings as possible for anyone who seeks to understand them as the “dominion” given to us by God as “His image and likeness,” as the first chapter of Genesis in The Bible says.

Science and Health is the textbook for all students of Christian Science. Thousands of people have been healed just by reading it. It and the King James translation of The Bible serve as the “Pastor” for our church services. Christian Scientists around the globe study the same Bible Lesson each week, which is read by lay readers during the Sunday service.

As Christian Scientists, we invite you to explore this healing Science with us at our Sunday services, during our Wednesday Testimony Meetings and at our Reading Room, where The Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy are available for study and/or purchase.

NOTE: The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures are essential to learn about Christian Science and its healing practice. You can read or listen to Science and Health free online at www.christianscience.com under the Publications and Activities tab.

Both books are available for purchase online from https://shop.christianscience.com, from amazon.com or from our Reading Room (see the Reading Room tab). Paperback prices for Science and Health start at $8.

Christian Science supports its adherents through Christian Science practitioners, individuals who have dedicated their lives to supporting through prayer those seeking solutions to life’s challenges. Christian Science nurses offer in-home care, and Christian Science nursing facilities provide care and assisted living while healing through prayer is sought.